
Customer Testimonials

The Neatest Thing
"The neatest thing happened at 6pm tonight... there was a knock on our front door... it was a guy with 2 large blue plastic containers... They were full of the groceries I ordered last Thursday and scheduled for delivery tonight! Shazam!!!
And I have to say everything was just as I ordered... except 2 substitutes which were fine... (I had the option of saying no and they would be removed from my bill). Guys I have to tell you... Bessann (my wife) was impressed!"
Gary W., CCIM

testimonialsI Felt Like A Queen
"I felt like a queen when my groceries were delivered!!! I couldn't have done a better job myself picking out the groceries. The delivery specialist even put on shoe covers before entering my house. He carefully went over the list with me, and had me check the fruit and meat before he left.
To my amazement I actually spent less than I would have if I went to the store myself because I didn't spend money on the impulse items! It took me 10 minutes to put up the groceries and I spent the rest of my day doing the things that I wanted to do!!!"
Angie S.

  • Where can groceries be shipped? Presently groceries are shipped for MPB Today customers and affiliates to every state in the contiguous U.S. that has postal & UPS delivery address. We ship ONLY non-perishable dry-goods. Shop with Confidence TODAY!  All Name Brands, YOU WILL BE AMAZED at the selections, It will save you from driving from store to store! http://www.mpbtoday.com/StevenBanass
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